Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Everyday Sam: Me? Skinny?

Before you started reading, I warned you to not putting my way of living as your life example. Even I won't make myself a role model if I got to choose.

Oh, and I wrote a lot down there. You are very much allowed to not read this post.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Everyday Sam: What's on my bag?

I'm guessing that almost every blogger did this, hahahaha. But here is my complimentary what's on my bag post. I'm not the type who change bags all the times. I'm more of the stick-to-one-bag group, but, I do change my bag sometimes. Since not every clothes matched with sling bag, I have my own just-in-case backpack. I guess the content is more or less the same tho, but there's a water bottle and umbrella on my back pack, because, obviously I could put it there. Hahahaa 

Here's the bag that I'm using as of now. It's a cambridge satchel inspired bag from Planet Ocean vintage. I'm in love with cambridge satchel, but since they didn't sell it here in Indonesia, I gotta stick with the look alike. This one cost me about US$20 (sekitar 200ribu) although I forget the exact price.

Here's the inside. Although it looks mediocre on the outside, but the inside is actually pretty small. There's not much I could fit in there, and if I tried to fit in more, the bag ended up looking so bloated and hundred shade of ugly. Hahahaha

Let's break the item from the upper part, kay.
- Foldable mirror and comb
- Oil bloating paper
- Compact powder (or in this case, I brought maybelline powder foundation)
- My phone (complimentary phone case, cause I use my phone to take this pic)
- BB cream
- Burt's bees lip balm
- Eye drops
- Candy (the brands are changing all the time according to my mood)
- Baby lips lip balm
- Color changing lip balm (what I love right now, so obviously I bring it everywhere)
- Tissue
- And, last but not least, my wallet.

Oh, and the thing that I didn't mention there is my bath and body works pocketbac hand sanitizers. I got one in Swinging Vanilla. I bought it cause monkey is my chinese zodiac. Hehehhee. But I do have another variant, maybe I'm gonna talk about it later ;)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Brain Vitamin: Manusia Setengah Salmon

I couldn't find a bigger image, sorry. Hahahaha

Anyway, yesterday I went to te cinema to watch manusia setengah salmon. Late, I know. Out of 3 cinemas on Semarrang (kinda lacking yeah?), only one cinema left that show it, and it's only showing 2 times. Not a weird thing tho, considering it's almost off the cinema already. Hahahaha

Okay, so here's my review. IT'S FUNNY! Much funnier than his other two movies. I should say that this movie is so funny because of the BB mater (not Blackberry, but bau badan. Unpleasant body smell). That's the kick. There are other funny things here and there, but that's the main thing that just keep showed up and never failed on making you laughing every time. 

I should admit that the other two movies seems a lttle lacking. It's funny, but it  left you no impression whatsoever (okay, so maybe Rasty from the first movie is a hit on the heart. And Harianto, you little darling). As a commoner in writing world, I guess I could say that this show you a result of a learning proccess. So Raditya Dika is not as good at writing script at first, but this is his third movie (not the third script, remember malam minggu miko?), so there must be something that he learned from his past script writing. 

Anyway, I'l be waiting for his next movie to come out. Can't wait to see what kind of kick he put in there :D For now, let me wait for the sequel of hunger games first. Hahahaha

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Brain Vitamin: Ernest Prakasa's Ngenest

Hello smoochies! Yet another brain vitamin corner, yes. This time, I'll talk about an Indonesian books. And since it's in Indonesia, I'm going to talk about it in Indonesia too. English translation after each paragraph in Italic babe :D

Waktu pertama kali denger kalo Ernest ngeluarin buku, agak kaget juga. Saya mikirnya dia cuma sekedar ikut arus (kemudian saya tahu kalo ini buku keduanya. Yang pertama.... apa?), banyak orang yang kemudian ikutan buat buku komedik, tapi isinya tidak se-booming sinopsisnya. Tapi ternyata yang ini agak berbeda (penjelasan lainya nanti ya). Satu buku dengan judul NGENEST (yang saya masih belum pasti gimana cara bacanya), bisa didapatkan dengan harga 55.000.

The first time I heard that Ernest wrote a book, it comes to me as a surprised. I thought it was just another go-with-the-flow (later I found out that this isn't his first book. What is the first one tho?), a lot of people started to make a comedic book, but the content isn't as spectacular as the synopsis promised it to be. But this one turned out different (more of that later). This 'NGENEST' book (which I'm still not sure how to pronounced it), cost me about 55.000rupiah (about US$5).

Seperti biasa, tidak ada sinopsis. Hampir semua buku dengan genre ini tidak punya sinopsis. Cover belakang cuma berisi cuplikan ceritanya (harus diakui, cuplikannya membuat saya memutuskan buat beli buku ini) dan beberapa komen mengenai isi bukunya. 

Yang membuat saya senang dengan buku ini adalah kenyataan bahwa Ernest membicarakan mengenai banyak hal yang biasanya dihindari oleh banyak orang. Ras, agama, babi sebagai makanan, dan hal-hal lain yang membuat buku ini beda dari buku kebanyakan. 

Like always, no synopsis. Almost all books with this genre didn't have synopsis. The back cover only contain some excerpt from the story (gotta admit it, the excerpt made me decided to bought this book) and a couple of comment about the content. What made me happy about this book is that Ernest actually talked about a lot of things that people usually avoided. Race, religion, pork, and other things that made this book different than other.

Buat yang belom punya bukunya, silahkan dinikmati cuplikan judul dan isi yang begitu menarik hati ini~ :*
For those who didn't have it yet, go on and pleasure yourself with some excerpt that totally tickling your heart.

There's no english translation for the excerpt, I'm sorry D:
(diambil dari cover belakang)
Dibanding bokap, keluarga nyokap gue tuh lebih original cinanya. Gaya ngomongnya masih totok banget. Bagi mereka, gak ada istilah "kami" atau "kalian". Adanya adalah "gue orang" dan "lu orang". Kesannya insecure banget ya? Gue juga tau kalo kita semua ini orang, bukan ubur-ubur.

Dia disebut-sebut sebagai calon Wakil Gubernur DKI untuk berpasangan sama Jokowi, Walikota Solo yang lagi naik daun. Tetep aja gue mikir, "Orang Cina mau jadi Wakil Gubernur DKI? Yeah rite. Mabok arak kayaknya ni orang."

Coba kita balik. Orang Cina yang jadi mayoritas di Indonesia. Apakah lantas pribumi sebagai minoritas gak bakal kena diskriminasi? Gak mungkin. Sama aja, gue yakin. Bedanya yang akan stand-up comedy dengan bahan balada etnis minoritas bukan gue, tapi Pandji Pragiwaksono.

Permasalahannya adalah, walaupun gue dan istri udah "sah", entah kenapa setiap kali beli kondom gue tetep malu. Biasanya saat gue beli itu di minimarket dan lagi bayar di kasir, pasti rasanya risih. Seolah-olah sang kasir memandang gue dengan tatapan "Cieee lagi horny cieeeee... Cieeee mau berbuat cabul cieeeeeeee...".

Oh, and by the way, this is Ernest. Yeah. He look so chinese. Even for a Chinese descendant like me. Hahahaha

My little herd of followers, I love you but...

DO NOT follow me to unfollow me.
I am not blogging for followers... not really. So I would appreciate it if you're not following me for my giveaway and then unfollowed me. That's a bitch move smoochies. I hate that. I'm sorry girl, I know who you are. Remember the rafflecopter entry? Yeap. Your name is there. Surprise!

Listen to this my love, I clearly stated on my giveaway that you don't need to follow my blog. You don't. This won't purely be a beauty related blog, or book related, or whatever, and some people don't like that. And I know it. So don't follow me if you're not planning to stay. It's like asking a girl to marry you, and then you left her right before the altar. That suck. You, pemberi harapan palsu. 

I hope this won't happen in the future. I'm not mad if you're leaving on a usual occasion. Like... I'm not updating for a month and then you decided that you got enough me. That's fine, and I'm cool with that. But this happen right after I announced my giveaway winner. So not cool. Next time, just be careful with your timing. Yeah, you're welcome.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Moving In Giveaway WINNER!!

Oh yay! I love winner announcement. After a long wait for my rafflecopter to load (no thanks to you, stupid internet connection), I finally got a winner! And so I hereby announce the winner to be....

double yay!

I've sent you the email (to the one you gave me on rafflecopter of course), and I'll be waiting for your reply until 5.11.2013
That's enough time, no? I'll be waiting for the reply till then, and if I didn't get it in time, then I'll be drawing another winner. That's too bad, but the show must go on, unfortunately D:

Allright then, I'll see you guys on my other giveaway ;))